Robomate Health

Delivery and management of cognitive remediation and rehabilitation programs

Neuro developmental disorder therapy

Social and health emergency. Children with neuro developmental disorder need new innovative therapy for the treatment of autism, so their parents are involved in this new kind of therapy to get better results. In USA 1 children of 44 have autism diagnosis.



In Italy half a million people live in this condition and the guarantees for them are very few.

Autism, or better known as “autism spectrum disorders”, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that mainly involves language and communication, social interaction, narrow, stereotyped interests and repetitive behaviors.


In the USA, one in 44 children are involved, in California one in every 26. Covid has given the coup de grace The lockdown made ad hoc routes for these guys even more difficult.



The number of adults (over-40s) with dementia worldwide is projected to nearly triple, from around57 million in 2019 to 152 million in 2050, mainly due to population growth and aging

Dementia. In Italy the over 65s are 13.8 million. With an increasing elderly population there is a need for targeted treatment of physical and mental health: over a million people with  dementia, about 3 million caregivers. Network, patient, family, integration are the 4 keywords for the creation of services and good practices that aim at the maximum capacity for self-management

Based on projections, the number of people with senile dementia worldwide will increase from 57 million in 2019, to 83 million in 2030, to 152 million in 2050.

RoboMate Health, is a Medical device and digital therapy software, for training and rehabilitation programs.


Software for delivery and management of cognitive remediation and rehabilitation programs.

This software is designed to deliver and manage cognitive remediation and rehabilitation programs and is intended to be used for the treatment of a variety of neurotrauma, neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric conditions.

The software contains different programs designed for targeted stimulation of cognitive functions, by using interactive games and exercises. Such cognitive functions include executive functions (reasoning and strategy), verbal memory, visual memory, spatial memory, auditory memory, processing speed. This software also allows the clinician to plan, monitor and assess the patient’s progress throughout the treatment plan.

Based on the intended purposes, namely the treatment of disease, injury or handicap, this software should be qualified as a medical device. When such software qualifies as a medical device it shall be classified as class I medical device according to rule 12 of Directive 93/42/EEC.

Recent studies suggest that interaction with robotic systems (androids, mechanical arms, mobile machines, multimodal interfaces) can trigger imitative behavior. The neural mechanism underlying the coding of observed actions can be helped to process simpler social stimuli. All this can help the subjects to learn to identify, interpret and use emotional information thus increasing the ability to adapt to the social context. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders focus their attention on individual details, while the interaction with a robot allows the individual to focus on the limited, reproducible and modular number of communication modes of the robot. Understanding and teaching emotion processing and facial expression recognition has important clinical significance. The robots can also be easily programmed and adapted, an ad hoc treatment is created for each child.

What is roboMate?

RoboMate is a platform, conceived for the following purposes:
  • Administer e-Learning and “edutainment” contents, rehabilitation and qualification activities,
  • Track and store the results of the sessions performed
  • Generate reports and statistics on the results of the sessions performed

Unlike other existing platforms that mostly use a Web interface and / or application software developed ad hoc, roboMate was created mainly to be fully integrated and used through an anthropomorphic humanoid robot, which represents the direct communication channel between the conveyed content and the pupil, and a Tablet device as a reinforcing and feedback element where the pupil himself responds and or interacts with the training session in progress. In this sense, the robot acts as an executor and receiver of feedback relating to the training process conveyed together with the tablet.

Who is the application for?

The application is basically aimed at school, training, health, habilitation and rehabilitation facilities and in particular at teachers who want to use an innovative and advanced tool to convey educational content both within the school and at home. What kind of content can be conveyed through roboMate? RoboMate can deliver interactive sessions structured for training objectives, such as:
  • Improvement of social interactions
  • Recognition of emotions in third parties
  • Recognize imitations
  • Enhance shared attention
  • Memory improvement
  • Symbol recognition (PECS) and association of these with actions and objects
  • Performing actions and operations
  • Improvement of verbal exposure
  • Respect for the shift etc.

Robomate features :
  • RoboMate can elicit greater verbalization than a social interaction partner, an adult human.
  • RoboMate increases social interaction with another person, more than an adult, or a computer game does.
  • RoboMate, with appropriate clinical guidance, may make useful supplements to communication and social skills interventions

RoboMate can be used with children with:
  • ASD
  • ADHD disorder
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Coordination development disorder
  • Learning deficit
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RoboMate, has thus obtained awards and recognitions from prestigious realities including:

The activity is entirely focused on the man-machine relationship in which the robot is not seen as a foreign entity but enters more and more into everyone’s daily life until it can be considered an innovative support in the treatment of autism, and for the support of Older people. The TREAT Project (Therapeutic Robot in Experimental Autism Therapy), also awarded by the startup incubator “Working Capital Telecom” in 2013, was born with this aim: it is an initiative aimed at creating a new experimental therapy for the treatment autism. It is based on the platform we invented “RoboMate ©” and on the programming of robots using some software made exclusively by our team, with the support of universities, research centers, teachers, doctors, and pedagogists.
The research team immediately realized how useful humanoid robots can be in the study of treatments concerning behavioral disorders. Thus began a path of study of specific cases and development of further applications for the various social robots, through “RoboMate”.

RoboMate, has thus obtained awards and recognitions from prestigious realities including:

2013: Grant of 25,000 euros from Working Capital Telecom;
2014: National Order of Engineers (3rd place at the Scintille’14 Award);
2014: Speaker “TEDx TransMedia” Geneva;
2014: “Tecnologia Solidale” guests, Chamber of Deputies;
2014: Finalists in the “Startup of the year – Science and Technology Parks award”, School
Sant’Anna University of Pisa;
2015: “Lions Day Award 2015” for technological innovation;
2015: “Feste Archimedee 2015” Award for social innovation.
2015: Finalists and TOP25 world company at the Interface Health Excellence Challenge Toronto contest
2015: Speaker “TEDx Matera”;
2015: Speaker “TEDx Assisi”;
2015: Guests “Revolution”, TV2000, television network of the Bishops’ Conference;
2015: Guests “I Fatti Vostri”, Rai Due;
2018: Second place “Digital Heart” Award Senate of the Italian Republic;
2018: Interview and weekly news about medicine of TG3, RAI Tre;
2019: Sixth Network Interview
2019: Videostar Interview.
2020: TG1 Medicina Service, RAI Uno;

Always active in the field of research, together with the Kore University of Enna, in July 2015 we presented a research document, in the form of a poster, entitled “TESTING THE FEASIBILITY OF A SOCIAL ROBOT DELIVERED CONDITIONAL DISCRIMINATION TRAINING.
ACBS World Conference 13 – Berlin 2015 “

Currently our “RoboMate” platform with more than 100 installations, (as of 2021), is in use in hospitals, health centers, research centers, social cooperatives, therapists, schools.

Some references:
2016: ASP of Catania, Provincial Health Authority
2018: “Cerradi” Center Trieste, IT
2019: IRCCS, Institute of Hospitalization and Scientific Care, Neurolesi “Bonino Pulejo” Messina
2019: ANFASS, Teramo Headquarters, IT
2020: “Villa delle Ginestre”, Rehabilitation Center, Volla, NA, IT
2020: IRCCS, Institute of Ric. and Scientific Care “House for Relief of Suffering”, San Giovanni Rotondo FG, IT
2020: Santa Caterina Novella Hospital in Galatina, ASL Lecce, IT
2021: Spazio Autismo, Mantua, IT

Virtual reality and augmented reality.

Development of virtual reality solutions for serious games, entertainment and healthcare. In collaboration with IESCUM and Kore University, we have developed a solution for the therapy of psychological trauma, and in July 2015 we presented a research paper, in the form of a poster, entitled “Virtual defusion is real defusion?” at the ACBS World Conference 13 – Berlin 2015.

Together with the University of Messina, in 2015, we developed a solution for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.

In 2015, we began the development of an application, NiWell, in the wellness field, for the use of immersive virtual reality in fitness activities such as exercise bikes, steppers, treadmills, rowing machines. Niwell made it to the finals at the prestigious Technogym competition in 2015.

In 2016, we participated in the first “Scholas Labs Jam” wanted by Pope Francis, through “Scholas Occurrentes”, a body of pontifical right, creating the “SmartSpace” project for a school without virtual reality walls.

This love story begins with a passion rooted in our childhood: Marco and I, like many brothers, identified ourselves from an early age in the exploits of Daisuke, Hiroshi, Tetsuya and those who, since the end of the 70s, were animating those legendary Robots who in every episode they fought the forces of evil … Over the years our passion has led us to “command” even in reality our small fleet of robots (committing ourselves with dedication in the fight against an evil of our days).
In 2012 we created Behavior Labs srl: an innovative startup based in Catania to “give a soul” to a humanoid robot; the aim is in fact that automata and humans can coexist harmoniously in the name of mutual utility through edutainment and digital health solutions.
Our laboratories, strengthened by research and experimentation in the field, have quickly carved out an increasingly important position in the world of so-called “Health robotics” which today has to study disorders such as autism, developmental and behavioral deficits. Thanks to the consolidated partnership with the Kore University of Enna, with IESCUM, (European Institute for the study of human behavior), our reality – which studies to program the behavior of robots – is always looking for solutions that can improve quality. of the life of human beings.
The activity is entirely focused on the man-machine relationship in which the robot is not seen as a foreign entity but enters more and more into everyone’s daily life until it can be considered an innovative support in the treatment of autism, and for the support of Older people. The TREAT Project (Therapeutic Robot in Experimental Autism Therapy), also awarded by the startup incubator “Working Capital Telecom” in 2013, was born with this aim: it is an initiative aimed at creating a new experimental therapy for the treatment autism. It is based on the platform we invented “RoboMate ©” and on the programming of robots using some software made exclusively by our team, with the support of universities, research centers, teachers, doctors, and pedagogists.
The research team immediately realized how useful humanoid robots can be in the study of treatments concerning behavioral disorders. Thus began a path of study of specific cases and development of further applications for the various social robots, through “RoboMate”.